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Young Leaders in Affordable Housing achieved a major milestone this week with its 100th dues-paying member. We are thrilled with the continued interest and are grateful for the generous support shown by NHC. While most YLAH members work and reside in the Washington, D.C., area, we are pleased to report that we also have members in California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio and Texas, and the list is growing. YLAH is exploring ways to use technology and other means to make programming available to its members around the country.
YLAH was formally established in September 2010 as a professional society under the auspices of NHC. We are a dynamic membership network comprised of young professionals and students under the age of 35 who are interested in gaining greater exposure to professional and leadership opportunities in affordable housing. YLAH is committed to advancing the goal of providing housing to low- and moderate-income individuals and families through sound community revitalization policies and programs on a nationwide scale.
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